How to Print e-Pins

How do I print e-pins?

Jude Atebe

Last Update hace 4 años

An e-pin is only printed when you have a thermal Bluetooth printer connected to the MOBitooT app on your phone. To print an e-pin or e-voucher, select 'Print e-pin' from the MOBitooT menu, select the mobile network operator you wish to vend or sell. Select the denomination of e-voucher, the hit 'SUBMIT'. If the denomination is available in the Voucher Net MOBitooT warehouse, you will be presented with a vend button. Hit 'VEND' and the voucher will be printed immediately from the thermal printer.

You can however download E-PINS if you do not have a printer connected to your phone. Please read item 7 in the help section of the app to know how.

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