Bonus for Airtime Transactions

Do I get Bonus when I use MOBitooT to buy Airtime/Data?

Jude Atebe

Last Update 4 jaar geleden

Yes you get Bonus if the Network is having a bonus promo. 

You must buy the correct promotional product and you should make sure you are subscribed to the particular network service plan that is eligible for the ongoing promo. If you are not on the promo plan, you have to follow the instructions of the networks to enroll for the plan. Please visit their websites for details. We suggest you visit the websites of the respective Mobile Network Operators (MNO's) to get all the information you need on their ongoing and current promotions.


Dial *556# SEND for detailed balance. *131*4# SEND (main balance); *559*43# SEND (data bonus balance). MTN will Send you an SMS alert immediately you do the VTU Recharge. The alert contains details on how you check your bonus.

For Airtel

Dial *123# for all Airtime balance and bonus. *141*712*0# SEND for Data.

9mobile - *200# SEND for all balance; *228# SEND for data bonus balance or SMS INFO to 228.

For Glo

 Airtime balance #124#, *127*0# (data balance), N-yakata *230*1#; Yakata *220*1#; Call 121 free to clarify what applies to your tariff plan.15% Bonus given on eTopup (VTU).

Note for Glo: Your tariff plan determines your bonus type and USSD code so call 121 for free to know what applies to you

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