Wallet-to-Wallet Transfer

Can I transfer money from my MOBitooT wallet to another MOBitooT wallet?

Jude Atebe

Last Update há 3 anos

Yes you can! 

Every owner of a MOBitooT wallet/app can now send money to another MOBitooT app/wallet using the VCN code of the receiver.

Simply go to Money Transfer and select Wallet to Wallet and you will be presented with the screen to enter the VCN code (only the numbers) and the amount you want to send to the wallet. Submit and you will see the details of the destination wallet. If the details are not correct, please go back and make sure you have entered the correct VCN code.

If all is correct, you can then confirm the transaction by entering your Transaction confirmation pin.

There is no transaction fee for wallet to wallet transfer. It is FREE!

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